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Ministry of
General Government Affairs
and Finance

General Government Affairs

By law, the Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance is headed by the Prime Minister. The substantive responsibilities of General Government Affairs include overarching areas such as national and Government policy, the interaction of the powers of the State, information and communications, and the organization of the Government. General Government Affairs also covers cross-cutting issues such as human resources, IT and digitalisation, cybersecurity, statistics, corporate governance, and central coordination relating to the European Economic Area (EEA).


Finance covers the finances of the State, including budgeting, national accounting and financial planning, management of the State's assets, and tax policy. It also covers financial centre and financial market policy, along with international financial centre and tax matters. The latter are reflected in a large number of international tax agreements. An overview of all international tax agreements concluded by Liechtenstein can be found under the following link: https://www.llv.li/de/landesverwaltung/steuerverwaltung/internationales-steuerrecht/internationale-steuerabkommen

Together with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Economy and Environment, the Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance works to ensure an optimal and reliable framework for the Liechtenstein economy. While maintaining Liechtenstein's open, internationally oriented financial centre is a cross-cutting issue, this is a particular emphasis within the area of Finance. Practice-oriented, proportionate, and efficient financial market regulation and effective supervisory legislation ensure a modern legal framework for financial market participants.

Liechtenstein has a clear and transparent financial centre strategy. A key component is Liechtenstein's strict implementation of international standards and the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. Liechtenstein consistently relies on close cooperation between all national bodies responsible for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

Thanks to a high degree of legal security, stability, a diversified and innovative economy, and a lean administration, Liechtenstein is debt-free and has the lowest government spending ratio in Europe. For many years, the international rating agency Standard & Poor's has confirmed its highest rating of AAA for Liechtenstein, with a stable outlook. The reserves built up over the past decades provide additional stability and security, offering the necessary leeway for sustainable developments and investments.

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