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Ministry of Infrastructure
and Justice


The Ministry's basic goal in the area of infrastructure is to meet the wide range of spatial needs and requirements of society, the economy, and the environment, with an emphasis on sustainability and a view to the future. The focus is on efficient management of traffic and transport, a high level of traffic and transport safety, good quality transport infrastructure, and attractive public transport options.

The design and implementation of public infrastructure projects are guided by suitability and necessity, but also by sustainability and energy efficiency. A further goal is to maintain the value of public buildings for the future – including administrative, school, and cultural buildings – and to make necessary new investments.


The Justice Department continuously reviews the legal framework in the field of justice in Liechtenstein and adapts it to changing circumstances and international developments.

The responsibilities of the Justice Department cover civil law, including the law on persons and companies; criminal law; execution, estate, and insolvency law; procedural law; data protection; mutual legal assistance, including extradition and transit; execution of sentences, victims assistance, and legal aid; and land transactions and real estate appraisals. Other areas of work include the coordination of public liability and the administration of justice, as well as the legal basis for lawyers and notaries.

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